
Hi Blue Roses here and I would like to give an announcement. Since its the end of the year I have the choice to continue this blog or shut it down. I’ve decided to keep posting on it, but instead of just putting writing on it I will also put more of my art on it as well. I’m glad to go on this journey and it was a big eye opener for me and I can’t wait for the new door to open for this blog. Once again I would like to thank everyone for joining on me in this journey and to stay in tune for my next post.

Thank you,

Blue Roses Blog

What is it to be loved

Inspired by: Midnight Thoughts To Be Loved  https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/142509661/posts/82

What is it to be loved.

Is it simple and understandable or complex and frustrating.

When does it start or does it even end.

Does it never happen.

Does it give you confidence.

Does it work for everyone.

What if it lies.

What if it changes.

Drives one into insanity.

What happens then.

Is everything forgive and forget.

I wish I had a answer but.

I don’t understand.


adventures of Jim and Jam movie write

Picture from : Flickr



Jim is looking for Jam through the corridors of the temple, while narrating on who Jam is.


Jam where are you?


Did she leave? It’s not like her to leave without saying anything.


Jam isn’t exactly normal… hmm how should I put it- Oh I know Jam is not a human but a humanoid mountain goat with some awesome abilities.

CUT TO: Jam’s humming coming for down stairs.

Jim turns his head towards the stairs to the garden and begins to run down them.



Jim how many times do I need to warn you about running down a flight of stairs.


Jam you had me worried


Look all I want is to be able to find my tea leaves alright.


Alright Jam I’ll meet you up stairs after your finished hunting down tea leaves.

FADE OUT: Jim walks up the stairs out of frame


Jam is seen walking around the garden to find tea leaves for tea time with Jim later.


Why can’t I find these dumb tea leaves?


Do I have a bad case of bad luck or what…

Jam is getting frustrated and is beginning to give up on the tea party


If I don’t find these tea leaves in the next 4 minutes Im giving up

CUT TO: Jim telepathically talking to Jam


Hey Jam I have a question?


What is it Jim


Are the tea leaves your looking for green tea by any chance…


Yes…..why do you ask.


Because they are sitting on the kitchen counter.




Yeah they are just sitting there Jam you picked them yesterday so they could dry out for today.

Jam could be seen facepalming at a simple mistake of not being able to remember the day prior and walks up the stairs sulking for wasting time over nothing.



Spine poem

Midnight in the garden of good and evil

And the mountains echoed

Angela’s ashes

Left behind

Into thin air

One hundred years of solitude


The type of poem I created is a spine poem created by the titles of books from different authors. Why I choose this poem style was because the idea of taking physical books and creating them into a poem just on the titles completely amazes me and is fascinating. The story that went behind this poem was I only had around 10 minutes to create a spine poem for my creative writing class and I took books that had cool titles and then rearranged them to become the poem which ended up taking a more somber tone.

My opinion on poetry before the unit was that I enjoyed to read it but never understood fully on how to write a poem. After the class I enjoy to write them and that they don’t need to be specific and can be about anything.

The Adventures of Jim and Jam

084AB9A2-E2A6-4CE1-AF82-F70E8FAFE6C0Chapter 1 Jim’s perceptive

“Jam where are you?” I called out.

Did she leave? That’s not like her to go out by herself. As I wander around the ancient corridors that I now call home looking for a pesky girl who isn’t normal. I remember clearly that terror inducing day before I met Jam. Even got the scars to prove it and trust me they are a sight no one would see.

“Jam!” I yelled out trying to see if she would respond back to me.

I was about to give up and start looking in the forest, until I listen to a mumble down the stairs that leads to the underground garden. I begin to sprint down the stairs even skipping a few on the way down.

“You know Jim you shouldn’t run down stairs like that.” Jam stated.

“Jam I was looking all over for you.” I blurted out while breathing heavily from my short sprint Marathon down the stairs.

That’s Jam the girl who gave me my life back. Jam isn’t a normal nor is human, even though she appears to be if you look past the large pointed horns and the slight permanent bend at her knees. She’s a mountain goat humanoid with some awesome abilities like teleportation through time and space or just in general. She also has the ability to talk telepathically because she is a mute and is unable to speak. Jam only uses her telepathic abilities with me because she doesn’t trust others, so she just uses her telekinesis to make signs to communicate with strangers and sometimes those remarks can get sarcastic. That’s the only thing I don’t know about Jam is why she’s sarcastic with other humans. I understand why she doesn’t hate me because she made a soul contract with me which saved me and gave me my eyesight back. I sometimes wish I knew Jam’s entire past but I guess it’s just to hard for to talk about it.

I remember when I actually first meet Jam…

On a stormy night in the middle of winter in the distance all that could be seen was the large colors of red, orange and yellow coming from a small farm house.

“Mom, dad, brother where are you!” I screamed out while searching through the blazing inferno.

Black toxic smoke started to fill my lungs but I didn’t want to give up searching for my family. I can feel the skin on my arms peeling like a snake shedding its skin. All of a sudden I start to see a silhouette of a man that I recognized. 

“Father!” I yelled out.

“Looks like you were the only one to survive I was hoping that the fire killed you.” my father simply stated.

“What-” I stuttered in disbelief.

“I knew I should of just ended you myself.” said my father.

Suddenly he rushed at me with a kitchen knife and slashed right across my eyes. I managed to grab the knife from him and ended the fight. The floor beams started to crack and break… I knew it was time to escape. As I walk out of the burning house I can see someone in the distance specifically a girl so I thought at first. 

“Jim, Jim, JIM!” yelled Jam.

“Jam…” I quietly spoke.

“Are you all right?” Jam spoke with a worried tone.

“Yeah… I’m alright.” I said trying to reassure Jam.

“Alright if you say so Jim. Anyways I’m going to continue looking for my tea leafs in the garden if you need me you know where to find me.” Jam said.

“Okay see ya Jam I’m going to my room.” I said.

“Bye.” Jam’s voice echoed back as she faded through the lushes greenery from the garden.

Maybe all I need is rest… yeah rest I hope.


Chapter 2 Jam’s perspective

I hope Jim is alright. He must of had a flash back to his past. I know how painful that memory is to him… yet he also calls it a blessing because of me.

“sigh- now where are those tea leafs.”

While looking for my tea leafs my mind starts to wander back to that faithful day or night should I put it when I first meet Jim.

“It’s so cold why did I want to go outside in the first place.” I said regretting my decision on a midnight stroll.

All of the sudden I see what appears to be a large fire in the distance. As I’m sprinting towards what appears to be a large fire from a small farmers house. I hear a scream and then silence. I feel there is no hope for any mortals inside the house. Mortals truly disgusting things that walk the earth. As I turn around to walk away I hear a person walking out of the house. I look towards the house and see a man. He appears to be only 18 years old. He looks like he just walked out of a war with burns going up both arms and a large slash through both eyes. I feel a connection with this mortal but how I absolutely hate humans, but for some reason I want to help him.

“Hey who are you?” called out the man.

“How can you see me mortal?” I question him.

“I can faintly see your outline of your body but everything else I can no longer see.” he said.

“My name is Jam what is yours mortal?” I said in a questioning tone.

“My name is Jim.” he stated

“Well Jim I want to make an offer to you…”

“Would you like to have a soul bond with me?” 

I’ll never forget the day he said yes to my soul bond contract. We both changed each others lives.

“Oh- there are my tea leafs.” I said gleefully.

Now I can make my tea for Jim and I. I begin to walk up the stairs pondering what I should bake to go with the tea.

“I’ll ask Jim he should be in his bedroom.” I said with a smile on my face.

In the later chapters of the adventures of Jim and Jam. Jim gets word on a all powerful butcher is trying to take over the universe but when he mentions the name of him to Jam she’s entirely frighten could this be part of Jams unknown past is the butcher the cause of Jam becoming a mute only one way to find out. So are you brave enough to follow our heroes on their mythical journey to stop the powerful butcher once and for all. Are you?


flash fiction: 50 words

Picture from: Pexels

Snow flying in circles as the winds blow harshly on my skin numbing it. Snow looks stunning in trees, but anywhere else just looks boring. At the moment waiting and watching until she turns the corner freeing me from the cold. Think either she forgot or she doesn’t need her phone.


Picture from:Public Domain Pictures


I could feel my hands sweat through my dress sleeves. The feeling of millions of lights like stars shining down.


Sometimes it feels unreal, almost like a dream…that always breaks free into reality.


That feeling on stage of failing is always prominent. The stage with friends, family watching and music breaks every single feeling of failing every time.


Darkness. The curtains cover me from thousands of eyes peering down my soul. I can feel everyone in the room and I know I got one shot. It must count. I spent weeks and months leading to this moment. I’ve poured so much time and emotion for this dance. Now its finally my time to shine.


The curtains draw back as the lights flash white in my iris covering my view of the audience. At that very moment I knew in my mind that…

I’m Ready.