
Hi Blue Roses here and I would like to give an announcement. Since its the end of the year I have the choice to continue this blog or shut it down. I’ve decided to keep posting on it, but instead of just putting writing on it I will also put more of my art on it as well. I’m glad to go on this journey and it was a big eye opener for me and I can’t wait for the new door to open for this blog. Once again I would like to thank everyone for joining on me in this journey and to stay in tune for my next post.

Thank you,

Blue Roses Blog

What is it to be loved

Inspired by: Midnight Thoughts To Be LovedĀ  https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/142509661/posts/82

What is it to be loved.

Is it simple and understandable or complex and frustrating.

When does it start or does it even end.

Does it never happen.

Does it give you confidence.

Does it work for everyone.

What if it lies.

What if it changes.

Drives one into insanity.

What happens then.

Is everything forgive and forget.

I wish I had a answer but.

I don’t understand.
